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Explain what features to consider when purchasing CNC spinning

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Explain what features to consider when purchasing CNC spinning

Date of release:2018-11-05 Author:YITONG Click:

Many customers are considering buying CNC rotary spinning, but they don't know much about spinning machines. I don't know how to evaluate whether the spinning machine is suitable for the production of their own products. In addition to considering the price and performance of the equipment, you should pay attention to several important things. , we will introduce in detail below.


1、Select CNC spinning according to the thickness of the product

When the wall thickness of the product is large and the diameter precision is very high, the customer needs to consider the rigidity and stability of the CNC spinning machine. The rigidity and precision of the equipment are easy to cause the scrap rate of the finished product to be large. When the spinning machine exceeds the rated power When processing thicker metal, the equipment will wear out too quickly and the processing precision will decrease after using for a period of time, thus reducing the production efficiency. Therefore, customers should consider buying a CNC powerful spinning machine. In general, the feed rate of a powerful spinning machine holder is not as fast as that of a conventional spinning machine. If the thickness of the metal spinning product is relatively thin, and it does not require high precision, it is only necessary to buy a numerically controlled spinning process with less thrust, which can save the cost of the machine and select the feed rate of the tool holder in the performance of the device. Faster spinning machines increase productivity.

2、Select CNC spinning according to the material type of the product

If it is used for the production of aluminum, choose a light machine with a fast feed rate of the tool holder, which can improve the production efficiency; if it is used for the production of stainless steel, the spinning equipment should have better rigidity. Because the processing of stainless steel requires a strong spinning pressure, if the spinning pressure is not enough, the equipment will vibrate or the spinning pressure is difficult to overcome the rebound force of the stainless steel, which makes the precision difficult to control.

3、Select a CNC spinning machine according to the size of the product

If the product is more than 1 meter in diameter and heavy, it usually requires two people to load or use the crane to load. The customer should consider whether the machine is convenient for lifting the metal disc. If the structure design of the CNC spinning machine is not suitable for lifting the material, it is easy. Affect production efficiency. If the height of the product exceeds 400mm, it is necessary to consider whether the spindle and the center-to-center distance of the CNC spinning machine can have space for demoulding.

The address of this article:http://www.zsytwj.com/en/news/414.html

Key word:数控旋压加工,金属旋压加工,不锈钢旋压加工

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